In conjunction with campus-wide events celebrating the university’s bicentennial in 2017, the College of LSA sponsored two distinct theme semesters. The first, Making Michigan, took place in Winter 2017 and focused on the university’s past and present. The second, Michigan Horizons, took place in Fall 2017 and examined the university today and the challenges it will likely face in coming generations. Both theme semesters were coordinated within the Department of History and Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies.
Michigan Horizons addresses the changing place of U-M today in American life and global society; the challenges and dilemmas before the university that are already evident or may be anticipated in coming years; and the varied ways and means—including alternative visions of fundamental reform—that can respond to present and future demands.
Courses, public events, and exhibits during the semester will place U-M in the context of debates regarding the heritage and mission of public higher education and will examine the expectations and critiques that citizens, students, and scholars now bring to institutions like this one. Generally, the semester will encourage students and faculty to better answer the question, “Where are we now in dealing with present problems, and where do we go from here?”
Amy Harris, Anthony P. Mora, Donna Wessel Walker, Gregory Parker, Howard Brick, Karyn Lacy, Michelle McClellan, and Priscilla Tucker
Department or Unit
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Course, Exhibit, and Website
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