Writer’s House Museum and Digital Collection
Student projects in this collection come from a course taught by Prof. Magdalena J. Zaborowska in American Culture and Afroamerican Studies and each semester represents a new published edition. The digital collection preserves underrepresented national cultural heritage in its focus on Baldwin’s unexamined material possessions, such as books by favorite authors, journals he subscribed to, foreign translations of his works, and sources he researched while writing specific texts.
Student Editions

Fall 2019 Collection
Archives and Black Digital Studies: Student projects in this collection come from a course taught by Prof. Magdalena J. Zaborowska in American Culture and Afroamerican Studies.

Fall 2021 Collection
Reconstructing James Baldwin’s Legacy in the Digital Now: Student projects from AAS 498 – “in-action” seminar in Afroamerican Studies, Fall 2021

Winter 2023 Collection
What’s Love (Sex + Race) Got to DO with It? Reading James Baldwin’s Fiction in the 21st Century.
Online Digital Collection
The collection preserves underrepresented national cultural heritage in its focus on Baldwin’s unexamined material possessions, such as books by favorite authors, journals he subscribed to, foreign translations of his works, and sources he researched while writing specific texts. It is comprised of approximately 4,000 digital photographs that should be of interest to scholars in English, African American literature and studies, and gender and sexuality studies, among other disciplines, and to anyone interested in Baldwin.
Magdalena J. Zaborowska
Department or Unit
American Culture, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, and Digital Studies Institute
Publish Date
Classroom project, Digital Collection, and Website
Support Partners
LSA TS and U-M Library
Digital Platform(s)
ESRI StoryMaps, U-M Library Digital Collection, and WordPress