Digital Scholarship @ U-M (DS @ U-M) is a combined effort between multiple service partners across University of Michigan. This site is currently maintained by LSA Technology Services and U-M Library.
At DS @ U-M we…
- Provide digital scholarship information and resources to students, faculty, and researchers in support of research and instruction at the University of Michigan.
- Show what work is being done at U-M and inspire connections between researchers.
- Hold events and workshops about how to do Digital Scholarship.
- Work to lower the barriers to accessing tools and resources for doing Digital Scholarship.
DS @ U-M partners operate with shared values and principles of Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), Anti-racism, Accessibility, Openness, Transparency, Care and consent, and Connection and partnership.
Service Partners
- LSA Digital Scholarship Studio
- U-M Library Digital Scholarship
- Teaching and Technology Collaborative
- Clark Library
Contact us
Are you with a service partner not listed? Have suggestions for content? Contact us here.
Visit Digital Scholarship office hours, held on Zoom twice per month.
Sign up for our newsletter
Get updates and learn about upcoming events and related opportunities by joining our U-M Digital Scholarship Interest Group newsletter.
What is Digital Scholarship?
For a definition of what we mean by the term Digital Scholarship, please see the U-M Library introduction page.
Thank you to the team of graduate students at the U-M School of Information from Fall of 2020, who researched and generated a list of recommendations which formed the foundation for the creation of this site. The team included Alexandra Cortez, Katie Henning, Noman Khan, Smrithi Srinivasan, and Mariele Ventrice.